Tsoi Natalia Konstantinovna


Tsoy Natalya Konstantinovna
Date of Birth: 16 June 1976 г.Citizenship:Казахстан

Telephone: +7(701) 466-88-97

Email: zoinat@mail.ru





1993 – 1998 Karaganda State Technical University1703 – “Applied ecology (by industry)”, environmental engineer
2000 – 2002 Karaganda State Technical University0702 – “Economics (in the social sphere and industries)”, Economist-lawyer
May 2010 



defense of a candidate’s dissertation in specialty 05.26.03 – “Fire and industrial safety”.In November 2010, he was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences




10.1998 — 10.2001 Karaganda State Technical UniversityDepartment of Industrial Ecology and Chemistry, assistant
10.2001 – 10.2002. Karaganda State Technical UniversityDepartment of Industrial Ecology and Chemistry, Lecturer
10.2002 – 09.2017 Karaganda State Technical UniversityDepartment of Industrial Ecology and Chemistry, Senior Lecturer
09.2017 – 08.2023 Karaganda State Technical UniversityDepartment of Mine Aerology and Occupational Safety, Senior Lecturer
09.2023 – Until now Non-profit joint stock company “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov”, acting. associate professorDepartment of Mine Aerology and Occupational Safety, Acting assistant professor




Main scientific interests – rational use of natural resources, environmental protection, ecology


There are publications in the field of environmental protection:


1) Оценка воздействия горнорудного предприятия на воздушный бассейн. – Труды Университета. – Караганда: КарТУ, 2022. – № 1(86). – С. 62 – 66


2) Dust Suppression on the Surfaces of Storage Device of Technogenic Mineral Formations Известия НАН РК. – Серия геология и технические науки, 2022. – № 2 (452). – С.230-241


3) Оценка почв горнопромышленных районов на содержание тяжелых металлов ( на примере Акмолинской и северной части Карагандинской области ). – Труды Университета. – Караганда: КарТУ, 2023. – № 2(91). – С. 104 – 108


4) Dust suppression on industrial waste storage (on example of the waste storage of the Ulytau region). – E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 407, 03011


5) Воздействие горных работ на водные объекты и ресурсы (на примере угольного разреза). – Труды Университета. – Караганда: КарТУ, 2023. – № 3(139). – С. 140 – 145




Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (lectures): Ecology and life safety (30 hours); Fire safety (30 hours); Conditions and ways to achieve sustainable development in the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan (30 hours); module “Fundamentals of Law. Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture. Ecology” (15 hours).


Member of the Green Council on environmental protection and sustainable development of the Karaganda region at the State Institution “Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management in the Karaganda Region”.




On an ongoing basis, he takes advanced training courses in teaching skills, internships at enterprises on environmental regulation, monitoring, environmental law and documentation..




Curator of the group БЖД-21-2