Kozhanova Dinara Talgatovna

Фото Кожанова

Education:  higher, specialty “Informatics”, qualification “Bachelor of Informatics” (2015), Master’s degree in “Computer Science and Software”, qualification “Master of Technical Sciences” (2017). 

Academic experience: working at KarTU since 2018 

Teaching disciplines:Information and communication technologies, administration of local networks.

- Certificate of internship at the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in 2016;
- Online seminars on Clarivate analytics resources for scientific research, on the topic: “Information tools for the analysis of scientific activities”, 2018;
- MOOC certificate in the disciplines “Information and communication technologies”, “Параметрлік модельдеу”, 2020;
- Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 16516 dated April 12, 2021

The most important publications over the past five years:
1. The contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″: abstracts of the Republican student scientific conference (April 14-15, 2016). In 3 hours Part 1 / Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Karaganda State Technical University. – Karaganda: Publishing house of KSTU, 2016 .– 377 p., Co-authors Kokkoz M.M., Ermek A.N.
2. International scientific journal “Молодой ученый”: No. 24 (128), 2016 – 19-22 p., Co-authors Kokkoz M.M., Duisenbekova S.D.
3. International scientific journal “Молодой ученый”: No. 9 (143), 2017 – 28-31 p., Co-authors Kokkoz M.M., Duisenbekova S.D.