Timokhina Tatyana


Faculty – Architecture and Construction

Department – Russian language and culture

Position – senior lecturer 


1981-1986 – Karaganda State University, specialty “Russian language and literature”, qualification “Philologist”. Teacher”. Additional qualification – “Teacher of Russian as a foreign language.”

Disciplines taught – Russian language 

The total number of published works – is over 50. 

Selected publications

1. Semantic features of architectural eponymic terms.// Brazil, Revista Entrelinguas Source: REVISTA ENTRELINGUAS Volume: 7 Special Issue: 4 Article Number: e021069 Published: 2021

2. Oral speech of future specialists in the assessment of teachers // Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series “Pedagogy”, 2021, No. 3 (103), pp. 51-59.

3. Soyleudi uyretu zhane onyn mamandardyn kasibi is-areketindegi roli // Republican scientific and technical journal “University of Enbekteri – Proceedings of the University” NJSC “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov”, 2022, No. 3 (88), P.26 7-274.

4. Study of speech diagnostics in the aspect of particular models of linguistic units in speech // Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov. Series “Philology”, 2022, No. 3 (140), pp. 139-149.

5. Application of an experiment to analyze the speech preparedness of specialists // Bulletin of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Series “Philology”, 2022, No. 3 (187), pp. 73-82.

6. Innovation lardy paidalan arkyly komunikativtik-tildik kenistikte // Bulletin of Toraigyrov University. Series “Philology”, 2024, No. 1 (2024), pp.83-93.


1. Monograph “Color Concept Sphere in Linguistic Intercultural Communication” (2019).

2. Monograph “Features of the Russian language functioning in microsocial groups” (2021).

Copyright certificates (SIS)

  • “Application of modern educational technologies when studying the topic “Synopsis as a genre of secondary text” (No. 12262 of September 30, 2020).
  • “Features of the Russian language functioning in microsocial group” (No. 23158 of January 31, 2022).
  • “The plan as a means of self-control and self-assessment of the subject of speech in the scientific field” (No. 32704, dated February 10, 2023).
  • “Cultural and leisure activities as the best way to relax” (No. 43527 dated March 01, 2024).
  • “Integration of artificial intelligence into inclusive language education” (No. 51108 dated October 08, 2024)


Provide scientific guidance to students taking part in olympiads, competitions, forums, and scientific conferences at the international, republican, and regional levels. 

Published educational and methodological literature

1. Textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Professional Russian language in a technical university” (2019).

2. Textbook with the RUMS stamp “Russian language (professional)” (2024).

3.Textbook “Russian language. Basic course” (Level A2) (2020).

4.Textbook “Russian language for students of technical specialties (Level A2)” (2021).

5. Oku kuraly “Bolashak engineer arnalgan orys tili (A2 money)” (2022).

6. Teaching aid “Russian language for future engineers (Level A2)” (2022).


“Russian language for all OPs. Level B-1. 1 semester” (Certificate No. 9356 dated 06/08/2023).

Advanced training

            2020 – “Strategy of modern university language education” (Karaganda, TsSSSPIR, 72 hours).

2020 – “Current aspects of lifelong education: school-college – university” (within the framework of distance learning) (Karaganda, KSTU).

2021 – “Psychological and pedagogical technologies for organizing innovative activities of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (Russian language, literature)” (Russia, TSPU. Certificate No. 700400004612, 72 hours).

2021 – “Effective tools for developing functional literacy in education: school-college – university” (within the framework of distance learning) (Karaganda, KSTU.).

2022 – “Use of digitalization tools in a person-oriented environment” (Karaganda, TsSSSPIR, 72 hours).

2023 – “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language at a technical university” (Russia, ISUE. Certificate No. 008554, 72 hours).

2023 – “Innovative educational technologies in the educational process” (Karaganda, Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training “BILIM”, 72 hours).

2024 – “Learning to Teach Online” (on the Coursera platform (University of New South Wales).

2024 – “Innovative and information technologies in methods of teaching the Russian language – 2024” (Armenia, Yerevan, 36 hours).

Awards and promotions

For the successes achieved in improving the educational and educational processes, significant personal contribution to the development of the higher education system, she was awarded diplomas and letters of gratitude, including a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for her contribution to the training of young specialists in the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Area of ​​scientific interests: Cross-cultural communication in the digital space. The impact of digitalization on language teaching and new techniques (for example, adaptive learning, artificial intelligence in language teaching).

Internal telephone: 2046

E-mail: t.timokhina@kstu.kz