Baimamyrov Serikkazy


Faculty: Architecture and Construction

Department: Russian Language and Culture

Academic degree: -

Position: Teacher


1992-1997 – Karaganda State University, Faculty of Philology, specialty «Russian language and literature in the national school»;

2001-2003 – Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Faculty of «Business and Law», specialty «Lawyer».


He started his pedagogical activity in 2003 in Nur-Sultan at the Institute of Economics and Finance of KazEU named after T. Ryskulov at the Department of Management and Marketing, as a teacher of legal disciplines. In 2011, he moved to work at a modern multidisciplinary college in the city of Karaganda, where he worked until 2012. In 2012, he joined KSMU. He worked at this university as a senior teacher of the Russian language until 2015. In September 2015, he was hired as a teacher at KarSTU.

He has been working at the department since 2015. Takes an active part in the scientific, methodological, educational activities of the department.

Author of scientific articles, abstracts, reports of international and national levels. Certificates were obtained on entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright (SIS) «Обучениенаучнойречисиспользованиемучебныхвидиофильмов» on 27.01.2020; «Формированиестиляжизниобществаязыковымисредствами» on 15.02.2021.

Russian Russian developer of digital content in the disciplines of «Russian Language» (for all educational programs), «Professionally-oriented Russian language» (video studies course).

He served as secretary of the ASF Council in 2015-2019 academic

years. He is responsible at the department for the research work of students since 2019, senior curator of the department since 2021 academic year, curator of groups ARCH-17-1 and ARCH-21-2.

In order to meet the level of professional training, he systematically takes advanced training courses in online and offline mode.

Work phone: 56-59-32

Internal phone: 2046
