Teacher of the department of “Special Disciplines” of the College of Innovative Technologies
Bachelor’s degree – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty mining engineering
General scientific and pedagogical experience is 5 years.
Since 2019 holds the position of a teacher of the department of “Special Disciplines” of the College of Innovative Technologies NAO Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov.
1. letter of gratitude from the Department of Education of Karaganda region;
- Winner of the contest “Bilim beru іsininңүzdіk қyzmetkerі- 2024” organized by the Society of Teachers of RK in the nomination “The best teacher-2024”;
3. Letters of Gratitude of the RNPC “Saryarka Daryny”;
- Letters of thanks from the Chairman of the Board – Rector of NAO “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov”;
- Winner of the contest “The Best Teacher – 2022” organized by the Society of Teachers of the RK in the nomination “The Best Young Teacher-2022” (medal, certificate);
- Young expert of NU “Independent Kazakhstan Accreditation Center”;
7. Winner of the contest “The Best Young Specialist-2022” organized by the National Innovation Scientific Research Center “BILIM- ORKENIETI” (medal, certificate);
- Letter of gratitude from the director of the KSU “Youth Resource Center of the city
9. Karaganda”; Certificates of the educational-methodical center of education development of Karaganda region.
Professional development:
- Advanced training courses in the direction of “Technology of open-pit mining” in the conditions of P-O “Orken” LLP “Orken-Kentobe” 2022 (72h).
- Seminar to improve the professional skills of teachers on the topic “Ludomania in the educational sphere” LLP UC “Orleu-RK”.
- Professional development course “Bilim beru uyimdaryn inclusi okytu” Daryn Online.(80h).
During his labor activity developed methodological guidelines:
1) N.A.Smagulova, Ғ.Қ.Қ.Қabsamet./Ashyk tau-ken жұмымыстарының технологиисы:Оқу құралы. Karaganda, 2021 – 66 b.
2) Ғ.K.Kabsamet./Carrierlik kөlik:Oku kuraly. Karaganda, 2023 zh. – 70 b.