Zhupysheva Arailym Korabaevna

ЖупышеваTeacher of the department of “Special Disciplines” of the College of Innovative Technologies


Bachelor degree – Karaganda State University named after A.Buketov, at the Faculty of Physics, specialty “Instrumentation”.

Master’s degree – A.Buketov Karaganda State University, specializing in automation and management.

The total scientific and pedagogical experience is 13 years.

She started her career from 2009 to 2011 in S.O. Talzhanov Secondary School as a teacher of physics and mathematics.

From 2011 to 2017 she continued her labor activity as a specialist of CM&DO in Karaganda Technical University.

Since 2019 she holds the position of a teacher of the Department of “Special Disciplines” of the NAO College of Innovative Technologies of Karaganda Technical Universitynamed after Abylkas Saginov.

Methodological guidelines developed at labor activity:

1) Zhupysheva A. K. – “ basics of electrical and radio measurement ” (for students of the 2nd year of college) Karaganda Technical University 2021;