Nesipov Rakhat Rysbekovich

Teacher of the department “General Education Disciplines” of the College of Innovative Technologies


Higher – Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, art and graphic faculty, specialty “drawing, fine arts, labor training”.

Higher – Karaganda State University, specialty “teacher of history”.

Total experience is 35 years, scientific and pedagogical experience is 22 years.


1. “History of ancient Kazakhstan”, reference book and collection of test questions, Karagandy-2008 (in Kazakh language, 80 pp.).

2. “Reference book on the history of the Ancient World” for 5-11 grades and students of colleges and universities, methodical manual, Karagandy-2013. ISBN 978-601-80332-8-5 (in Kazakh, 170 pp.).

3. “History of Kazakhstan from ancient times – to the first half of the twentieth century” for students from 5-11 grades, teaching manual, Karaganda-2014g. ISBN 978-601-320-243-3. (in Kazakh, 225 pp.).

4. Expert and compiler of tests, Republican Testing Center. №001756. RCT.


5. Nesipov R.R. took part in the seminar “Fundamentals of theory and methods of pedagogical measurements” Certificate, 000175. Astana-2015.

6. Diploma “Best Portfolio”. Main editor: Ensepov B. Tarikh Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. №001187. Astana. 07-24.02.2018- 07.03.2018.

7. Honorary Academician. Academy of History and Social Sciences. Institute of History. President B.Ғ. Ayaghan. Badge and Certificate No. 098. 27.12.2018 Astana-2018.

8. Second degree diploma. A student of the scientific and creative competition-conference “The Turkic world: A Kultegin song – Dastana of the Great Steppe” Syrgiy A. A. Zhourdeli was awarded a diploma of the III degree. E. Kusain, Director of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region. Karaganda-2019

9. Thank you letter. For active participation in the republican debate tournament for the Cup of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Youth and public safety”. Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Beisenov. Police Colonel A. Darmenov. Karaganda-2019 Karaganda 22-24. 11. 2019

10. The certificate.”The legacy of S. Ualikhanov. Synthesis of Eurasian Culture ” for participation in the conference of folk science and theory dedicated to the 185th anniversary of Shokan Ualikhanov’s birth. Director of the Institutes of History of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abil E. A. Astana, 11/24/2020

11. The article “the importance of working with a map in history lessons.” The republican newspaper “Bilim El”. No. 4 (209)28 cantar 2020

12. Thank you letter. Regional Universal Scientific Library named after N. G. Gogol. The “Meeting with History” was timed to coincide with the regional educational hour dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. The library is headed by D. B. Amanzholova. Karaganda-2020

13. The on-air directory. To the history teacher R. R. Nesipov about the participation in the program 07.12.2020. “Уақыт.kz .”SARYARQA” theme: “Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” 09.12.2020. № 6-4/444. department of analysis and release of the ether K. Temirbekov.

14. “The history of Kazakhstan” (from daily time to the day of the bug) in the order of times and numbers. Karaganda Technical University. Approved by the scientific councils of the University as a textbook. N. A. Smagulova. R. R. Nesipov. ISBN 978-601-320-243-3. (in Kazakh, 97 pages). Karaganda Technical University, 2020

15. The certificate. JSC “National Center for Advanced Training” Orleu ” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 80 hours.. 05.11. – 05.21.2021. Director of the branch S. Mukanova. №0452376.

16. Forward writing. I would like to express my gratitude for your successful work in creating a new Kazakh society and contribution to the life of the political community of the region. Akim of the Karaganda region E. Bulekpaev. Karaganda-2023

17. The certificate. The Center of pedagogical excellence of AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”. In the amount of 72 academic hours, he completed a refresher course on the topic “Teaching history in college: focuses and academic rigors.” No. 009726. head of the organization Matorina E. A. Karaganda 11.09.20203

18. Thank you letter. The team was prepared by a discussion tournament among students organized by the Karaganda Technical College of Innovative Technologies named after A. Saginov and the AKPC “Saryarka Daryny” in honor of the International Mother Tongue Day. Acting head of the AKPC “Saryarka Daryny” A. Kaketaev. Karaganda-2023

19. Certificate of honor. For her contribution to the development of education and teaching, she was awarded for creative achievements and educational activities. Department of Education of the Karaganda region. The head is G. Kozhakhmetova. Karaganda-2023

20. Thank you letter. RK. Ministry of Science and Higher Education Karaganda University named after Academician E. A. Buketov Scientific Research Center “Tulgatanu”. The title “History of the Native Land”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Faculty of History, was awarded to the Republican Kurultai of Scientific Research for the training of students. Akhmetzhanov A. 2nd year. Diploma of the III degree. Deans of the Faculty of History D. A. Zhumabekov. Director of SIC ” Tulgatan ” Beisenbekov N. A. Karaganda-2023

21. The certificate. Non-profit Joint-stock Company “Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University”. Attended a training seminar on the requirements of the ISO-37001:2016 “Anti-corruption Management System”. The complex is run by Acting head of the service N. Polyakov. No. 0423-The village of Karaganda. 08.01.2024

22. “General history ” part I. Educational and methodical manual (in the order of queues and numbers from date to date). ISBN 978-601-355-352-8. NAO Karaganda Technical University, p. 92. Karaganda-2024.

23. Among the students of 1-2 courses, the organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education on the topic “Independence of Kazakhstan: Sivola Yerkinina and unity” was prepared by a student who was awarded the diploma of the first place winner of the regional Olympiad “Egemen Kazakhstan Tarikhy”. UMO No. 01590. Head: B. Abdykerova. 27.11. Karaganda-2024

Professional development:

  1. Certificate. Passed a refresher course on the theme “Teaching history in college: focuses and strategies uluchcheniya” in the volume of 72 academic hours. №009726. Karaganda, 11.09.2023.

During his labor activity developed methodical instructions:

1. GENERAL HISTORY. Part I. Methodical manual. 92 p. ISBN 978-601-355-352-8. Karaganda 2024.