Aubakir Lyudmila Vladimirovna



Full name, date of birth.

Aubakir Lyudmila Vladimirovna, 21.11.1985.

If the teacher is listed on their university’s website, please indicate this.

Position (indicate full-time or part-time; if part-time, indicate the type of main activity and the time (in percentage) spent on it).

Master of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov (full time).

What university, what specialty and when did you graduate? Academic degree, title.

- Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals, qualification – metallurgical engineer, 2008;

- Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in Accounting and Auditing, qualification – Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing, 2011;

- Buketov, majoring in “Accounting and Auditing”, qualification – Master of Economic Sciences, majoring in accounting and auditing, 2017.

Work in the department, including dates of hire and positions held.

2009 – currently assistant, teacher, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management at KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov.

Work in other departments and organizations (indicate dates and positions held).

Main scientific interests.

Accounting and auditing. Analysis of financial statements for the purpose of predicting bankruptcy.

Major publications over the past 5 years.

1. Aubakir L.V., Andryukova I.V. (Plutalova I.V.), Lustov N.S., Tulupova S.A. Ekonomika fizicheskoy kul’tury: sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvitiya v stranakh SNG. Zhurnal «Aspirant i soiskatel’», M.: «Sputnik +», 2019, № 2 (110), S. 12-14. ISSN 1608-9014.

2. Əubəkír L.V., Andryukova I.V. (Plutalova I.V.), Tulupova S.A. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya finansovogo menedzhmenta v Respublike Kazakhstan. Zhurnal «Trudy Universiteta», Karaganda: KarGTU, 2019, №3, S. 113-116.

3. Əubəkír L.V., Plutalova I.V. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Formirovaniye intellektual’nogo kapitala v usloviyakh tsifrovoy transformatsii: opyt, vyzovy, perspektivy» doklad (tezisy) na temu: «Innovatsionnyy podkhod v upravlenii gorno – metallurgicheskim kompleksom», Karaganda: KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2022.

4. Əubəkír L.V., Plutalova I.V., Innovatsionnyy podkhod v upravlenii gorno – metallurgicheskim kompleksom. Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Formirovaniye intellektual’nogo kapitala v usloviyakh tsifrovoy transformatsii: opyt, vyzovy, perspektivy», Karaganda: KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2022.

5. Əubəkír L.V., Biryukov V.V., Plutalova I.V. Vseobshcheye deklarirovaniye dokhodov i imushchestva naseleniya // Respublikanskiy zhurnal «Trudy Universiteta». – Karaganda: KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2022.

6. Əubəkír L.V., Plutalova I.V. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya «Podgotovka ekonomicheskikh kadrov s vysshim obrazovaniyem na osnove ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy: problemy i innovatsionnyye resheniya» doklad (tezisy) na temu: «Sovremennyye IT – tekhnologii v audite: vozmozhnosti i riski», Bukhara 2023.

Membership in scientific and professional societies.

Awards and prizes awarded.

Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

-Discipline “Fundamentals of Accounting”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 1.

- Discipline “Computer Accounting”, autumn semester, number of lecture hours – 1, seminar hours – 3.

- Discipline “Features of accounting in mechanical engineering”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 1.

- Discipline “Features of accounting in mechanical engineering”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 1.

- Discipline “Financial accounting and reporting at an industrial enterprise”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 2.

- Discipline “Theory and practice of Auditing”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 3.

Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally.

Adviser of specialty 6B04108 “Accounting and audit in industry”, supervisor of group                AaA-23-1, 3 hours per week

  1. Kursy povysheniya kvalifikatsii po napravleniyu «IT – tekhnologii v analiticheskoy rabote predpriyatiya» v TOO «Temir Communications» (06.02.2023 – 03.03.2023, v ob”yeme 72 chasa), sertifikat.

2. Trening, organizovannyy GU «Upravleniye vnutrenney politiki Karagandinskoy oblasti», po napravleniyu «Navyki peregovornogo protsessa» (12.01.2024g.), sertifikat.

3. Kursy povysheniya kvalifikatsii po napravleniyu «Sovremennoye sostoyaniye sistemy vnutrennego kontrolya s ispol’zovaniyem uchotnykh platform» v TOO «Absolute servise» (01.02.2024 – 02.03.2024, v ob”yeme 72 chasa), sertifikat.