Sultanova Gulstan Isakkyzy



Full name, date of birth.

Sultanova Gulstan Isakkyzy 15.05.1987

If the teacher is represented on the website of his university, indicate this.

Position (specify full or part-time employment, in case of part-time employment, specify the type of main activity and the time (as a percentage) spent on it).

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management at KarSTU (full-time)    Which university, in which specialty and when he graduated. Academic degree, title.

- Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with a degree in Accounting and Auditing, qualification-Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing, 2008.

- Karaganda University “Bolashak”, Master of Economics, specialty “Economics”, 2014.

Work in the department, including dates of employment and positions held.

- 2008-2016 Lecturer in economics at the Karaganda College of Economics, Business and Law.

- From 2016 to the present, Senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management at KarSTU

- 2017-2018 – Deputy.Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management of KarSTU

Work in other departments and organizations (specify dates and positions held).


Main research interests.

Accounting and auditing. Internal audit

The main publications for the last 5 years.

1. scientific journal” Modern Problems ” №4 (38).- Karaganda: Bolashak-publishing, 2022. – P. 73-77. “small and medium-sized businesses and digital platforms: opportunities and threats”

2. 2.International Scientific and practical Online Conference “formation of intellectual capital in the conditions of digital transformation: experience, challenges, prospects”. – Karaganda: kartu, 2022. – pp. 128-131. “development of methodology for assessing intellectual property and intangible assets”

3. 3. International Forum “current problems and prospects of development of national economy in terms of global nestability”, Kremenchug, 04-05 December 2023 G. “development of accounting and analytical activities of economic entities in the context of reforming the national economy”

4. 4. Collection of articles and abstracts of the X International Scientific and practical Conference of students, undergraduates and teachers “From knowledge synergy to business synergy”.  Omsk: KAN Publishing Center, 2023. pp. 264 – 268. “Small and medium-sized businesses and digital platforms: opportunities and threats”

5. «SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES OF THE XXІ  CENTURY» атты XІІ Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция жинағы. – Астана, 2023. – Б 17-19. «Туристік кәсіпорындарда бухгалтерлік есеп пен аудитті ұйымдастыру»

6.  5.Сollection of the XII International Scientific and practical conference” SCIENCE and EDUCATION in the MODERN world: CHALLENGES of the XXI CENTURY”. – Astana, 2023. – P. 17-19. “Organization of accounting and audit at tourist enterprises”

7. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Training of highly educated economists based on economic research: problems and innovative solutions”. – Bukhara, 2023- pp.594-596

Membership in scientific and professional societies.


Awards and prizes awarded.


Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), the number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

-The discipline “Fundamentals of accounting”, autumn semester, the number of hours of lectures-2, seminars – 1.

-Discipline “Peculiarities of accounting in mechanical engineering”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -1.

-Discipline “Computer accounting”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures – 1, seminars – 3.

-Discipline “Management accounting in industry”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 2.

-Discipline “Financial accounting and reporting at an industrial enterprise”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 2.

-Discipline “Theory and practice of auditing”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 3.

-Discipline “Peculiarities of accounting in trade” spring semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 1

-Discipline “Features of accounting in construction”, spring semester, number of hours of lectures -1, seminars -2.

The discipline “Tax accounting”, spring semester, the number of hours of lectures -1, seminars -2.

Other duties performed during the school year, the number of hours per week.     Check if they are paid additionally. 

Secretary of the Department of Eimm, curator of the UiA-22 group-2-3 hours a week

Professional development.

1. Production internship at NOVA Zinc LLP on the topic “Enterprise Finance”, from 02/01/2020 – 02/28/2020, in the amount of 72 hours. The certificate is available.

2. Advanced training course at KSTU on the topic “Virtual group training using Skype technologies. The experience of using the Cisco Webex platform in an educational environment”, from 06/08/2020 to 06/20/2020 The certificate is available.

3. Internship in Kaynama Komir LLP in the direction of “Accounting and auditing of wages at the enterprise” from 17.10.2020 to 12.12.2020.The certificate is available.

  1. Took part in the XI Scientific and practical conference “1C” for educational institutions on 04/21/2021. Certificate number 1CKZ2801215NRS

5. The advanced training course at the National Academy of Sciences on the topic “Cyberculture, cybergigien and working with big data” in the amount of 72 hours from 10/18/2021 to 10/28/2021. The certificate is available.

  1. She held a three-day intensive seminar on entrepreneurial training from Iowa International University from 10/28/2021 to 10/30/2021. There is an international certificate.
  2. She attended an online course at NAO KarTA from October “18″ to October “28″, 2021. She successfully completed training in the advanced training course “Cyberculture, Cybergigien and Big Data work” in the amount of 72 hours (Certificate is available).
  3. Odessa Polytechnic National University, Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. She took an online course on the topic: “Financial and management accounting in the enterprise management system”, from February 6 to February 28, 2023. The volume is 72 hours. (Certificate is available from 02/28/23 No.08/02)
  4. Kremenchug National University named after M.Ostrogradsky (Kremenchug, Ukraine), from May 25 to June 16, 2023.