Zhumanbaeva Tuganay Kabikenovna

фото Жуманбаева



Full name, date of birth.

Zhumanbaeva Tuganay Kabikenovna. 02/01/77

If the teacher is listed on their university’s website, please indicate this.


Position (indicate full-time or part-time; if part-time, indicate the type of main activity and the time (in percentage) spent on it).

M.Econ., senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, KarTU (full time)

What university, what specialty and when did you graduate? Academic degree, title.

Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Economics of the mining industry”, qualification of mining engineer-economist, 1998. Central Kazakhstan Academy, specialty “6M050600 Economics”, Master of Economic Sciences, 2019.

Work in the department, including dates of hire and positions held.

2003-2004senior laboratory assistant of the department”Economic theory”, Karaganda State Technical University

2004-2009assistant department “Economic theory”, Karaganda State Technical University

2009-2010teacher of the department “Economic theory”, Karaganda State Technical University

2010-2017senior lecturer of the department”Enterprise Management”Karaganda State Technical University

From September 2017 to presentsenior lecturer of the department”Economics and enterprise management”Karaganda State Technical University

Work in other departments and organizations (indicate dates and positions held).


Main scientific interests.

Economic security of an enterprise and innovative development of the economy.

Major publications over the past 5 years.

  1. ZHumanbaeva T.K., SHajmerdenova R.T. «Ekonomikalyқ қauіpsіzdіk mәnі zhәne onyң tұraқtylyғy»//ZHurnal «Trudy universiteta» №1, 2019g. №1(74), C.115-119.

2. ZHumanbaeva T.K., Abdikarimova A.A. «Innovaciyalyқ kәsіpkerlіktің damuyna memlekettіk baғdarlamalardyң әserіn baғalau»//ZHurnal «Trudy universiteta» №2, 2020g. №2(79), C.115-120.

3. Rauandina G.K., Butrin A., Tazhibekova K.B., ZHumanbaeva T.K «Improving Production Cost Management in Industry» // ZHurnal  Trudy Universiteta №3, 2021 g. №3(84), S.207-213.

4.ZHumanbaeva T.K., Abdikarimova A.A. «Қazaқstan Respublikasynyң ipotekalyқ nesielendіru naryғy»// ZHurnal «Trudy universiteta» №4, 2021g. №4(85), C.246-251.

5. ZHumanbaeva T.K., Abdikarimova A.A., Rauandina G.K. «Kәsіporynnyң ekonomikalyқ қauіpsіzdіk zhүjesі zhәne ekonomikalyқ tәuekelderdі baғalau mәselesі» // Respublikanskij ZHurnal «Trudy universiteta». – Karaganda: KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2023,  №1(90), C.286-289.

6. ZHumanbaeva T.K.,Rauandina G.K. Abdikarimova A.A. «Kәsіporynnyң ekonomikalyқ tiіmdіlіgіn arttyru» // Respublikanskij ZHurnal «Trudy universiteta». – Karaganda: KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2023, №3 (92), C.328-332.

7. ZHumanbaeva T.K.,Rauandina G.K. Abdikarimova A.A. ««ZHasyl» ekonomika Қazaқstannyң tұraқty damuyn қamtamasyz etudің maңyzdy құraly retіnde»//Respublikanskij ZHurnal «Trudy universiteta». – Karaganda: KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2023, №4 (93), C.307-311.


Membership in scientific and professional societies.


Awards and prizes awarded.


Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

  • Discipline “Economic theory”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 2.
  • Discipline “Microeconomics”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures – 2, seminars – 2.

Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally.

Senior curator of the Department of E&MP, curator of the Men-20-1 group, 3 hours a week.


1. From February 18, 2019 to February 28, 2019, an online seminar was held on Clarivate Analytics resources for scientific research.

2. From 08/10/2019 to 08/20/2019, she completed a professional development course for teachers of higher educational institutions “Development of professional competencies of a teacher of the course “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, Nur-Sultan.

3. 02/28/2019 participation in the “International Scientific and Practical Seminar “Modern Laboratory Solutions”, DistiTech LLP.

4. From June 8, 2020 to June 20, 2020, she took a refresher course on the topic “Best practices for using Google in distance educational technologies. Possibility of using streaming when conducting classroom lessons using the You Tube service.”

5. From 10/05/2020 to 12/04/2020, she took a course in the direction of “Study of the economic efficiency of an enterprise”, “Golden Taurus” LLP, Karaganda.

6. From 04/15/2021 to 04/28/2021, I completed an online advanced training course “Management in Education”, Ukraine, Odessa.

7. From 10/18/2021 to 10/28/2021, she successfully completed the advanced training course “Cyber ​​culture, cyber hygiene and working with big data” for 72 hours.

8. From November 22, 2021 to November 26, 2021, she successfully completed the advanced training course “Improving Pedagogical Skills” for 40 hours.

9. From 03/01/2022 to 03/31/2022, she completed a course in the direction of “Economic analysis of enterprise activities”, JSC “Shubarkul Premium”, Karaganda.

10. From November 23, 2022 to December 9, 2022, I completed the online course “Teaching methods at a university using digital technologies” in Almaty.

11. On January 10, 2023, a seminar was held on organizing the work of an outreach group to increase religious literacy, State Institution “Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda Region.”

12. From 03/27/2023 to 04/22/2023, she took a course in the direction of “Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship”, LLP “Kulan-Komir”, Karaganda.

13. From November 20, 2023 to December 8, 2023, she completed a course in “Project Management”, GEOTEK LLP, Karaganda.

14. From November 30, 2023 to December 25, 2023, I took an online course in the discipline “Management”, “Strategic Management”, “International Management”, Ukraine. Kyiv.

15. 01/12/2024 a seminar was held on the topic “Negotiation Process Skills”, State Institution “Internal Policy Department of the Karaganda Region”.