Maksutova Zhupar Kudaibergenovna

Приложение 16

Faculty of Transport and Road Engineering


Academic degree: -


Academic title: -


Academic degree: Master of Science in the educational program “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport”


Position: assistant of the Department of Industrial Transport named after Prof. A.N. Daniyarov.




In 2013, she graduated from KarSTU with a degree in “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport” with honors.


In 2015, she completed her master’s degree and received an academic degree of Master of Science in the specialty “Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport”.


Since 2017, she began working at the College of Innovative Technologies of KarSTU as a teacher.


Since 2019, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Industrial Transport. At the department, he conducts practical classes in the discipline “Cargo science”, “Fundamentals of transport and technical means”, “Passenger transportation Management”.


During his career, he has more than 9 publications, 4 textbooks, 2 electronic textbooks, 3 slide lectures, 3 educational and methodological publications.


Work phone: 56-75-98


Internal phone number: 2051


Email address:


Scientific works: Maksutova J.K.


1. T.K. Balgabekov, J.K. Maksutova, K.G. Balabekova, N.B. Bayrov On the issue of the transport corridor of the Republic of Kazakhstan // journal “Science and Peace” No. 3 (7), Volgograd, 2014.


2. T.K. Balgabekov, J.K. Maksutova, K.G. Balabekova, N.B. Bayrov, A.B. Orazalina On the development of the transport and logistics system in the Republic of Kazakhstan//journal “Modern high-tech technologies”No.3, 2014 J., 159-161 B.


3. T.K. Balgabekov, J.K. Maksutova Creation of a methodology for improving the efficiency of multimodal cargo transportation on the example of JSC Arcelor Mittal Temirtau //journal “Science and Peace” No. 4 (20), Volgograd K., 2015 J.,

4. M.K. Kokrekbayev, T.K. Balgabekov, J.K. Maksutova. Problems of development of the transport and logistics system of railway transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science, education and production – the leading factors of the strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050″. (Saginaw Readings No. 6), June 26-27, 2014, part 3., 242-244j.