Makhambetov Olzhas Kazbekovich


Faculty of Energy, Automation and Telecommunications

Academic degree: Master of Electrical Engineering

Position: Senior Lecturer


In 2008, he graduated from Karaganda State Technical University (KSTU) with a degree in Electric Power Engineering. After graduating from the university, he entered the Master’s program of Karaganda State Technical University, where he graduated in 2010 with a degree in Electric Power Engineering.

From 2008 to 2010, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Power Engineering

2010-2013-Deputy Director of the Institute of Telecommunications, Power Engineering and Automation; Lecturer of the Department of PowerEngineering

2013-2014-Assistant to the Rector of KSTU, senior lecturer of the Department of Power Engineering

2021-present – Deputy Dean for BP FEAT, Senior Lecturer of the Department “Energy Systems”

Theедет program includes lectures and practical classes on the following subjects:

  • «Тау-кен өнеркәсібіндегі электротехника және электрмен жабдықтау негіздері»
  • «Жылумен жабдықтау және жасыл энергетика»
  • «Электр қаупсіздігі негіздері және жоғары кернеу техникасы»
  • «Электрмен жабдықтау жүйелеріндегі релелік қорғаныс және автоматика»

During his work, he co-authored 7 scientific articles and reports, developed more than 5 electronic educational publications, and received 4 certificates of state registration of rights to the object of copyright.7 научныхстатейидокладов, разработаноболее 5 электронныхучебныхиздании, получено 4 свидетельстваогосударственнойрегистрацииправнаобъектавторскогоправа.

Working phone number: 565490

Internal phone number: 1022

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