Kaidanovich Olga Yurievna


Faculty of Energy, Automation and Telecommunications

Academic degree: master’s degree

Position: senior lecturer of the Department of Energy Systems


In 1989 she graduated from the Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Mining Machines and Complexes. From 1989 to 1991 she worked as a design engineer at the Angers Engineering Plant, and from 1991 to 2001 as an inspector at the state enterprise Energonadzor. Since 2002, she came to work at Karaganda State Technical University. In 2003, she graduated with honors from a master’s degree in Electrical Power Engineering.

She is a co-author of 14 electronic textbooks, participates in the development of RUP and QED, and is responsible for the supervisory work of the department.

Conducts lectures and practical classes in the following subjects:

1. Thermal power systems and energy use.

2. Energy saving in heat power engineering and heat technology.

3. Theoretical foundations of heat engineering.

4. Design of thermal stations.

5. Basics of electrical engineering.

6. Theory of electrical circuits.

Work phone: 567598

Internal telephone: 1027

Email address: okaydanovich@mail.ru