Rakhatov Tleugabyl Duysenbekuly

Full name, date of birth: Rakhatov Tleugabyl Duysenbekuly, born in 1993.

Phone, e-mail: +7-775-947-57-43, tleugabylrakhatov1993@mail.ru

Position: Lecturer of the MA and LP department. Employment: full-time


Bachelor’s degree: 2011-2015. – Karaganda State Technical University, specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”

Master’s degree: 2018-2020. – Karaganda State Industrial University, specialty “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”

Work in the unit:

2015 – 2016. – Senior laboratory assistant of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”;

2016 – 2017. – engineer – TOO Abm Technik ;

2017 – 2019. – Junior researcher – RNIIOT MTSZN RK (Republican Research Institute for Labor Protection)

2020 – 2023. – engineer – TOO Master Gidravlik ;

2023-present – lecturer of the department “Mine aerology and labor protection”.

Work in other departments: -

Main scientific interests: labor protection, industrial safety, life safety.

Main publications for 5 years:Amanzhol I.A. Arkabaev U.B. Begaidarov B.A. Rakhatov T.D Proceedings of the Republican scientific and methodical conference “Transformation of education: content, technology, quality” dedicated to the day of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan pp. 24-27 2019

Membership in scientific and professional societies: -

Awards and prizes awarded: -

Subjects and courses:

Fall semester:

- Occupational Health and Safety in the state language and Russian;

- Ecology and Life Safety in the state language and Russian;

Spring semester:

- Ecology and Life Safety in the state language and Russian language

- Occupational Safety and Health