Draganova Margarita Anatolyevna

Draganova Margarita Anatolyevna

Faculty of Energy, Automation and Telecommunications

Academic degree: master’s degree

Position: senior lecturer of the Department of Energy Systems


In 1986 she graduated from the Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Automated Information Systems. From 1986 to 1992 she worked as an engineer of the 3rd category at the Karagandagiproshakht Institute, from 1993 to 1994 as a software engineer at the Information Computing Center of the Karagandaugol Production Association. Since 2004, she came to work at Karaganda State Technical University. In 2020, she graduated with honors from a master’s degree program in Thermal Power Engineering.

She is a co-author of 8 textbooks, author of a monograph, author of 4 MOOCs, participates in the development of RUP and QED, and is responsible for the employment of graduates of the department.

Conducts lectures and practical classes in the following subjects:

1. Boiler installations and steam generators.

2. Superchargers and heat engines.

3. Innovative fuel combustion technologies.

4. Climate change and green energy.

5. Heat supply.

6. Hydraulic calculation of heating networks.

Work phone: 567598

Internal telephone: 1027

Email address:margo_anton@mail.ru