Zhunuspekov Darkhan Serikovich




Full name, date of birt: Zhunuspekov Darkhan Serikovich, October 12, 1988.

Work experience: the total experience is 12 years, scientific and pedagogical experience is 12 years.

Post: senior lecturer of the department «Technological equipment, Mechanical Engineering and standardization».

Which university, in which specialty and when did he graduate: 

Каraganda State Technical University, «Mechanical engineering » in 2010, bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.

Каraganda State Technical University, «Mechanical engineering » in 2012, master in Mechanical Engineering.

Academic degree, academic title: master of specialty 6M071200 “Mechanical Engineering”, 2012, KSTU. 

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held:

2010-2011 – Engineer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

2011-2015 – Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

2015 – Currently, he is a senior lecturer at the Department of Technological Equipment, Mechanical Engineering and Standardization.

Main research interests:

Improving the performance of parts of technological machines and equipment

Main publications: About 25 scientific papers, including 9 abstracts, 7 articles – CQASE, 3 articles indexed in the Scopus database, 6 SIS; 7 textbooks have been published..

Subjects taught in the academic year:  Metal-cutting machines, Production technology, Fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology, Technological preparation of production, Design and production of blanks, Fundamentals of interchangeability, Design of machine-building production.

Professional development: 

June 2016 – Courses for improving pedagogical skills conducted by the National Center for Advanced Studies “Orleu” in Almaty.

11/15/2017 to 11/18/2017 – internship of KF “ISS Engineering” LLP, Karaganda

02/05/2018 to 02/12/2018 – internship LLP KF “Hanza-FlexAlmaty”

05/02/2018 to 05/18/2018 – advanced training courses “Planning the strategic development of the university”

Contact information: working tel. 56-59-32 (ext. 1066)