Zhetesova Gulnara Santaevna




Fullname, dateofbirth: ZhetesovaGulnaraSantaevna, 1961.

Work experience: total experience – 39 years, scientific and pedagogical experience is 28 years.

Position: professor of the department “Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization”.

Which university, in what specialty and when he graduated from: Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, “Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools” in 1983,

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.05.06 – Mining machines, 1998, KSTU.

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held:

1983-1994 – at the NovoKaraganda Machine-Building Plant in the department of the chief technologist

Since September 1, 1994 and currently works as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the department “Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization” of the Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov.

Main scientific interests:

Development of the theory of strength calculation of mechanical engineering objects.

Main publications:

More than 140 printed works, monographs, manuals and electronic textbooks have been published.


- 2008, “Management of technological documentation”, LLP “Mashzavod No. 1″, Kazakhstan;

- 2008, “Personnel Management”, JSC SPZ, Kazakhstan;

- 2010, Metrological Service, National Institute of Metrology, Kazakhstan;

- 2010, “IT technologies”, Belgium, universities

- 2010, “IT technologies in the field of production”, Technical University of Berlin, Germany;

- 2011, “Reforming educational programs in the field of mechanical engineering”, Technical University of Berlin, Germany;

- 2014, “Quality management in the field of higher professional education”, Eurasian Academy, Bratislava, Slovakia;

- 2016, “Professional development in the field of quality management at machine-building enterprises”, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava;

- November 2017, “Automation of production processes, design and modeling of machine-building complex parts”, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava;

- November 2018, Development and design of engineering processes in the NX environment, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

- June 2019, “Research on the development of computer-aided design systems, algorithmization of processes, database creation”, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

- August 2019, “Vibration protection and vibration diagnostics of mechanical engineering projects”, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Contact information: working phone: 56-59-37 в/с 1044