Турсынгалиева Кырмызы Нурлановна




Full name, date of birth.

Tursyngalieva Kyrmyzy

If the teacher is listed on their university’s website, please indicate this.


Position (indicate full-time or part-time; if part-time, indicate the type of main activity and the time (in percentage) spent on it).

Master of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov (full time).

What university, what specialty and when did you graduate? Academic degree, title.

Graduated from Karaganda Bolashak University, specialty “Finance”. She studied at the graduate school of Karaganda Bolashak University with a degree in Economics and defended her dissertation for the degree of Master of Economics.

Work in the department, including dates of hire and positions held.

She worked as a teacher at the KKAO “Bolashak”, from 2016 to the present, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management at the National Academy of Economics named after Abylkas Saginov.

Main scientific interests.

The economy of an industrial enterprise, the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan, innovative and investment development of the economy.

Major publications over the past 5 years.

  1. «Kazakstan Respublikasynyn kөlіk infrakurylymyn damytudyң investiciyalyk sayasatyn іske asyru mekhanizmіnің modelі» Zhurnal «Trudy universiteta» №1, 2021g.C.110-114
  2. «KR pandemiya zhagdajynda aumaktardy damytudyn strategiyalyk basymdygy retіnde cifrlyk ehkonomikanyn kalyptasuy men damuy», Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-teoreticheskaya konferenciya «Sovremennye tendencii razvitiya nauki i obrazovaniya v usloviyakh informacionnoj globalizaciI», Kazakhstan, KEHU Kazpotrebsoyuza, 2020, S.429-431.
  3. «Razvitie malogo i srednego biznesa, problemy i puti resheniYA», Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Cifrovaya ehkonomika: problemy razvitiya i mekhanizmy resheniYA», Rossiya, AMI 2020, S.32-33.
  4. «Zhaһandanu: sebepterі, saldary, maselelerі zhәne Kazakstandagy urdіsі», Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Integraciya nauki, obrazovaniya i proizvodstva – osnova realizacii Plana naciI» (Saginovskie chteniya), Karaganda, KaRTU 2020, S.103-105.
  5. «Shagyn zhәne orta biznestі damytu, problemalary men sheshu zholdary», Tezisy dokladov Respublikanskoj studencheskoj nauchnoj konferencii «Vklad molodezhnoj nauki v realizaciyu Strategii «Kazakhstan-2050», posvyashchennoj 1150-letiyu uchenogo, filosofa Abu Nasra al’-Farabi, Karaganda: KaRGTU, 2020.-S.110-112
  6. «Cifrlyk ehkonomikanyn artykshylyktary men kemshіlіkterі», «Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya online konferenciya «Integraciya nauki, obrazovaniya i proizvodstva – osnova realizacii Plana naciI» (Saginovskie chteniya №13), posvyashchennuyu 30-letiyu nezavisimosti Respubliki Kazakhstan, 2021, S. 194-196
  7. «Shagyn zhane orta biznes zhәne cifrlyk platformalar: mүmkіndіkter men kauіpter», Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Aktual’nye problemy sovremennostI», Karaganda, №4 (38), 2022, S.73-77.
  8. Ehkonomikany cifrlandyru: enbek narygyna әserі zhәne mәselelerі Tezisy dokladov Respublikanskoj studencheskoj nauchnoj konferencii «Vklad molodezhnoj nauki v realizaciyu Strategii «Kazakhstan-2050», posvyashchennuyu 30-letiyu Nezavisimosti Respubliki Kazakhstan, Karaganda: KaRGTU, 2021, S.1362-1365
  9. To the question of the prospects for the formation of an innovation ecosystem in Kazakhstan10th Annual International Conference «Schumpeterian Readings», Russia, 2021
  10. Kazakstandagy agronerkasіptіk keshendі damytudyn negіzgі maselelerі zhane olardy sheshu zholdary Trudy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «XV Saginovskie chteniya.  Integraciya obrazovaniya, nauki i proizvodstvA», Karaganda, 2023, S.152-153.
  11. Zhasyl ehkonomika Kazakstan Respublikasynyn ornykty damuynyn algysharty retіnde, Materialy XII MezhdunarodnoĬ nauchno-prakticheskoĬ konferencii «Nauka i obrazovanie v sovremennom mire: vyzovy KHKHI vekA», Astana, 2023.
  12. «Kazakstandagy urbanizaciya procesterі: tendenciyalary men perspektivalaryә trudy  Respublikanskoj studencheskoj  nauchnoj konferencii  «Vklad molodezhnoj nauki v realizaciyu Strategii «Kazakhstan-2050», posvyashchennoj 70-letiyu universiteta, Karaganda, 2023, S.9-10.

textbooks and teaching aids

  1. Osnovy riehltorskoj i developerskoj deyatel’nosti, Karaganda, NAO KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2022.
  2. Bukhgalterlіk esep negіzderі. Praktikum, Karaganda, NAO KaRTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2023.
  3. Riehltorlyk zhane developerlіk kyzmet negіderі, Karaganda, NAO KarTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2023.
  4. Teoriya i praktika audita, Karaganda, NAO KaRTU imeni Abylkasa Saginova, 2022.
  5. Karzhylyk eseptіn khalykaralyk standarttaryna sajkes bukhgalterlіk esep, Karaganda, KarTU, 2021.
  6. Baskaru esebі 2, Karaganda, KarGTU, 2020.

Membership in scientific and professional societies.

Member of the Academic Council of the National Academy of Sciences named after Abylkas Saginov.

Subjects and courses taught in the current academic year (by semester), number of hours of lectures per week, seminars and laboratory classes.

• Discipline “Economics of an industrial enterprise”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

• Discipline “Economics of mining enterprises”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

• Dissplina “Fundamentals of Economics and entrepreneurship”, autumn-spring semesters, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

• Discipline “Financial management”, autumn semester, number of hours of lectures -2, seminars -2.

Other duties performed during the school year, number of hours per week. Please indicate whether they are paid additionally.

Deputy Dean of FEM for Academic Affairs (surcharge), Chairman of the Quality Assurance Committee of FEM, curator of the E-20-1kaz group – 6 hours a week.

1.. From 06.02.23 to 02.28.23, she took 72-hour advanced training courses on the topic “Economic analysis of enterprise activity and strategic management” at Odessa Polytechnic National University (Odessa, Ukraine) in online format;

2. Participation in a training seminar on organizing the work of an information and explanatory group to improve religious literacy, GU “Department of Internal Policy of the city of Karaganda”, 10.01.2023, certificate.

3. Participation in the international virtual academic mobility program in the form of a scientific and practical online internship on the ZOOM platform in the disciplines of “Financial Literacy”, “Financial Management”, “Economic Theory”, “Managerial Accounting”, at the Mikhailo Ostrogradsky Kremenchug National University (05/02-23 – 06/02-23, in the amount of 90 hours), the certificate.

4. From 05/25.23 to 06/16.23, within the framework of virtual mobility, she took advanced training courses at the Mikhailo Ostrogradsky Kremenchug National University in online format (90 hours), No. 01533 dated 06/16.23.

5. Completed an internship at Kainama Komir LLP in the direction of “Assessment of financial and statistical reporting indicators to improve the efficiency of enterprise management” in the period from 05/25/2022 to 06/17/2022 (72 hours).

6. Successfully held an international three-day intensive seminar on entrepreneurial education at the University of Iowa Venture School on October 28-30, 2021., Cultural Affairs Attache, US Embassy Kazakhstan.

7. Completed advanced training courses at the Global Express LLP enterprise in the direction of “Marketing in industries” in the period from 03.01.2024 to 14.01.2024.