Kakimova Klara Shamelovna

 of Energy, automation and telecommunications.

Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences

Position: Senior Lecturer 

Biography: Was born on 07.11.1971. In 1994 she graduated from the Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov, Faculty of Physics and Technology, with specialization in the Department of Thermophysics. She started her career in 1994 at the Karaganda Mining College at the Department of Technical Disciplines as a teacher. In 1995, she transferred to the KPI to the Department of IСT, where she continued teaching.

In 1996-2000, she became a postgraduate student of the IIT Department (full-time postgraduate study). Thesis topic: “Iterative methods for solving nonlinear models of heat and mass transfer in metallurgical processes”. Since 2000 by 2016 she worked at the Karaganda Technical University at the Department of “Instrument Engineering, as a teacher, senior lecturer. From 2016 to 2018, she studied for a master’s degree at the E.A.Buketov KarGU in the specialty 6M072300 – Technical Physics.

Since 2018. by 2021. She worked at the Karaganda Technical University at the Department of “Instrument Engineering” as a senior lecturer. Since 2021 – Senior lecturer of the Department of ES KarTU. During her work, she developed educational and methodological complexes (EMCD, lectures, guidelines for laboratory and practical work, course projects, exam questions and assignments) for the specialty 5B071600 “Instrument Engineering”.

Kakimova K.S. during her working life has more than 8 certificates of state registration of an intellectual property object for textbooks and electronic textbooks on the readed subjects . More than 30 articles and abstracts of reports have been published, 15 textbooks have been published in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages. In the international lending portal https://znanio.ru there is a monograph titled “Theory and calculation of turbulent ventilation jets and some practical problems of heat and mass exchange and combustion”

Scientific and pedagogical experience – 25 years.

Work phone: 56-75-98

Internal phone: 1027

Email address: k.kakimova1971@mail.ru