Абильжанова Фариза Болатовна

Абильжанова фото

Academic title: master of technical Sciences.

Position: Deputy Dean for educational work of FEAT, teacher of the Department of Energy systems.

In 2011, he graduated with honors from the E. A. Buketov Karsu, majoring in Physics. in 2017, he completed a master’s degree in heat Power engineering. Since 2015, he has been the Deputy Dean of FEAT.

Abilzhanova F. B. takes an active part in the social life of the University, is engaged in educational work among students, instilling a culture of behavior and communication with others.

Conducts laboratory and practical classes in the following subjects:

Boiler plants and steam generators


Heat supply

Energy efficiency and basics of energy saving

Electrical materials science

Theoretical foundations of heat engineering

Heat and mass transfer

Work phone number: 56-54-90