Schmidt-Fedotova Irina Mikhailovna

ШмидтMining faculty
In 2011, she graduated from Karaganda State Technical University with a degree in mining. In 2013, she successfully defended her master’s thesis. Over the past 2014-16 academic years, she studied at the doctoral program in the specialty “Mining”, took part in the development of the CMD in the discipline “Development and operation of methane-coal deposits” for the SPIID-2 “Innovative technologies in the mining and metallurgical complex. Geotechnics”, was published 1 monograph “Assessment of methane safety methods in the mines of the Karaganda basin.” Research work

• Passed a scientific internship at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin on the topic “Development of methane in methane-coal seams”;
• Internship on the basis of JSC Gazprom dobycha Kuznetsk;
• Training in Almaty. Introductory course on work with GGIS Micromine;
• A refresher course in the amount of 80 hours on the topics “Underground gas storage”, “Methane development in methane beds”.

Work phone: 56-26-19
Email 87054549095

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