Акылтаева Съезгуль Дулатовна


Education- Higher
Teacher of the Department of Information Technology and Security, Master
of Technical Sciences.
Graduated from Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov in 2007.
The master’s thesis in 2016″ was defended on the subject “Student’s education in
the field of audit in the public health sector.
Information about the current educational activity (list of read disciplines) -
Methodology of vocational training, Pedagogical skills, practical work in training
workshops, innovative teaching technologies.
Information about the scientific activity: the number of articles of international,
republican, foreign and regional status – 13, in co-authorship 2 methodical
instructions for laboratory works and working programs of practices, training
manual in Kazakh – 1, automated training program – 1, .
Contact information – 56 Boulevard Mira, building № 1, phone: 56-52-33, e-mail: