Zhuldyz Smagulova Bolatovna


Faculty – Mechanical Engineering

Academic degree – Master of Technical Sciences

Position – Senior lecturer


Smagulova Zhuldyz Bolatovna was born on 06.12.1984 . After graduating from the secondary school for gifted children “Murager” entered the Karaganda State Technical University in 2002 under a state educational grant and graduated in 2007 with a degree in Materials Science and Technology of New Materials from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

In 2007, she got a job at the Department of MLP and KM as an engineer, then in 2009 she transferred to the position of assistant and in 2010 was elected by competition to the position of lecturer at the Department of MLP and KM of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

In 2011, she entered the Master’s degree program of KarSTU in the specialty “Materials Science and technology of new materials” under a state educational grant. In parallel with her studies at KarSTU, she worked at the Department of MM and H as a teacher. In 2013, she graduated with an academic degree of Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty 6M071000 “Materials Science and technology of new materials”.Taking into account the great potential and future prospects of Smagulovoj.B., upon completion of the master’s degree, she was left as a senior lecturer at the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy.

Currently, Smagulova Zh.B. has published about 30 scientific and 3 textbooks.Methodological guidelines for practical, SRSP and laboratory classes, as well as electronic textbooks and UMKDP have been developed.

Email address: julda@list.ru

Work phone number – 56-75-98

Internal phone number — 1082

Scientific works:

1. Fundamentals of heat engineering

2. Crystallography and defects of crystal structure

3. Materialdardyn mechanikalyk kasietteri