Kozhukhova Madina Muratovna

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Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management

Position Senior Lecturer of the Department of the ANC and the SRS


Kozhukhova Madina Muratovna, Kazakh, higher education. She graduated from Karaganda State University. EA Buketova specialty “International Law”. She graduated from the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz, at the end of which she was awarded the academic degree of Master of Law.

Kozhukhova M.M. Has been working at Karaganda State Technical University since 1999. Currently, she is conducting classes in the disciplines of “Fundamentals of Law”, “Kazakhstan Law”, “Legal Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity”, and “Fundamentals of Anti-Corruption Culture”. He is the author of a monograph, published more than 30 scientific articles, 3 textbooks, slide lectures, multimedia presentations.

The main direction of scientific research is the problem of legal culture and legal consciousness of Kazakhstan society.

Work phone 565932

Internal phone 2052

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