Zhumabekov Aidar Temirgaliyevich

Full name, date of birth: Zhumabekov Aidar Temirgaliyevich, May 15, 1980 year of birth.

Work experience: the general experience is 20 years, the scientific and pedagogical experience is 17 years.

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department “Transport equipment and logistics systems”.

What university, for what specialty and when he graduated from: Karaganda State Technical University, specialty 300440 – “Traffic Management” in 2003.

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty “Transport, transport equipment and technology”, KSTU.

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held:

2003-2005 – Assistant of the department “Automobile Transport”;

2005-2007 – Lecturer, Department of Automobile Transport

from 2007 to the present art. Lecturer of the Department “Transport equipment and logistics systems.

The main scientific interests: The development of road safety.

Main publications:

57 scientific papers were published, of which 16 are theses of the report, 4 articles are RISC, 12 textbooks, 1 video lecture, 9 electronic textbooks (basic version), 7 slide lectures are published.

Items read in the school year:

Technical support of road traffic of vehicles, Ensuring traffic safety in transport, Logistics of urban transport systems.


from January 12 to April 27, 2015 – Engineering education courses;

from January 20 to January 22, 2016 – training seminar “Innovative technologies in educational activities of KSTU”;

from 05 to 17 June 2017 – internship of JV KazBelaZ LLP in Karaganda;

from 02 to 13 April 2018 – internship KazATU Astana.

Contact details: office. 56-59-32 (ext. 2049)

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