Zhunusbekova Zhanara Zhumashkyzy



Full name, date of birth: Zhunusbekova Zhanara Zhumashkyzy, June 29, 1984 year of birth.

Work experience: total length of service – 10 years, Scientific and teaching experience is 10 years.

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department “Transport equipment and logistics systems”.

What university, for what specialty and when he graduated from: Karaganda State Technical University, “Hoisting, construction, road machines and equipment” in 2006.

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: PhD, specialty 6D071300 – Transport, transport equipment and technology, 2018, KSTU.

Work in departments, including dates of employment and positions held:

2006-2008 – Undergraduate, assistant of the department “Construction and road machines”

2008-2009 – Lecturer of the Department “Construction and road machines”

2009-2014 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Construction and road machines”

2014-2017 – doctoral student of the department “Transport equipment and logistics systems”

2017 Senior Lecturer of the Department “Transport equipment and logistics systems”.

2018 – Acting Associate Professor of the Department “Transport equipment and logistics systems”.

Main research interests:

Research and calculation of machines for earthworks, the development of working bodies of earth-moving machines.

Main publications:

Published more than 50 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 1 article in the Scopus database, 21 abstracts of the report, 5 articles – RISC, 5 innovative patents, 5 SIS; 5 tutorials released.

Items read in the academic year: Working bodies and objects of impact, Road machines, Utility machines and road maintenance, Technology for the use of road-building machines, Construction machines and equipment.


2012-2013 – Graduate courses on the topic “Modern approaches to the organization of educational work”

2016 – advanced training in the form of a scientific internship at the department “Road-building machines of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering”

2018 – refresher courses “Planning the strategic development of the university.”

Contact details: office. 56-59-32 (ext. 2040). 

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Энергетические установки транспортной техники (EL 3208)

Динамика транспортной техники

Көлік техникасының базалық шассиі

Коммуналдық машиналар және автомобиль жолдарына қызмет көрсету

Отбор лучших технических решений машин, применяемых при строительстве траншейных фундаментов, методом морфологического анализа