Amangildina Gulsara Amangeldinovna.


Teaching experience is more than 33 years, including 10 years of working in KTU.

In 2012-2013.y.- a winner of International educational scholarship “Bolashak” (UK).


In 1991, she graduated Zhezkazgan Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology, majoring in German and English. In 2021, she graduated Central Kazakhstan Academy, Faculty of «7M02303-Foreign Philology», Master of Humanities.

She has been working, since 2009, as a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages at Karaganda State Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov.

In 2012-2013, she was the winner of the Bolashak International Scholarship. Internship on the topic: “Theory and methods of teaching” at the University of East Anglia, (Great Britain).

She was awarded the jubilee medal «100 years of Academician A.S.Saginov», 2015.

She was rewarded with a cash prize in honor of March 8th. «The best 100women of the University”, 2016.


Scientific works:

1. The MOOC «Professional English for Oil and Gas Industry» was released in the discipline «Professionally oriented foreign language» for the educational program 6B07203 – «Oil and Gas business». Certificate No. 9597 05/28/2024

2. A monograph on the topic «The role and features of Kazakh, Russian and English physiological units in the artistic work of postmodern writers» was released, 2022.

3. An electronic educational publication (EEP) and (CIO) of KarSTU was released. On the discipline of the POIY «Transport Construction», «English for Transport Construction Engineering» СIO No. 1074 dated 19.12.2018

4. Electronic textbook «Mechanical engineering and digital technologies» SIS No. 17651 05/18/2021.

5. A set of video lessons for the Pre-intermediate level, certificate No.8849 09/08/2021.

6. A methodical instruction on the organization of practical work of students was published for the discipline «Professionally oriented English» for students of all specialties, 2017

7. The textbook «Firearms Training» was published for the educational program «Military training», 2017.

8. The textbook «Oil and gas Industry»was published for the educational program 6B07203 – «Oil and gas business», 2016.

9. The textbook «Basic Grammar» agylshyn tili grammaticasyn negizderi, 2011.

10. «Technical English for all specialties», Certificate No. 1465 05/22/2014.

11. Updating of the EEP «Oil Industry», Certificate of KarSTU No.5695 06/12/2015.

12. EEP «Oil and gas Industry» Certificate of the CIO of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1003 06/01/2015.

13. EEP «Materials studying and new materials technologies» for specialties – 5B073200, 5B070900, 5B071000, 5B071200, Certificate 06/19/2015.

14. Developed slide lectures «Mechanical properties of materials» in the specialty Materials Science (MS), Certificate No. 5189 12/30/2014.


Published articles:

1. «Economy of Kazakhstan», in the 5th International Congress on Modern Scientific Research. Turkey, 2024.

2. at the International Scientific and Practical Conference «XVII Saginaw readings. Integration of Education, Science and Production» on the topic: «Language Portfolio» Technology as an Effective Means of Organizing Students’ Independent Work while Studying Foreign Languages, 2024.

3. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Issues of education and science», Scientific almanac, «On the question of phraseological variations in loan words». Scientific almanac RSCI Scientific Almanac (ISSN 24117609) Russia, Tambov, №4-3(90), 2022.

4. Features of translation of texts of diverse languages. About the differences in the structure of the Kazakh and English languages. Collection of materials of the VII International scientific and theoretical conference of students and undergraduates «Science and youth: new ideas and solutions». Karaganda, 2021.

6. Scientific article in the editorial bulletin «Philological Sciences», «On the effectiveness of the use of modern information technologies in teaching a foreign language at a master’s degree in a technical university», Almaty, 2020. (COXON)

5. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Issues of education and science», «Assimilation of Arabic and Turkic borrowings», Scientific Almanac Russia, Tambov, N 12-2(74), 2020.

7. Collection of materials of the VII International scientific and theoretical conference of students and undergraduates «Science and youth: new ideas and solutions», «Features of translation of texts of diverse languages. About the differences in the structure of the Kazakh and English languages», Karaganda, 2021.

8. Conference «29th International Scientific research competition The best student article», «Solving educational and practical problems in the context of productive educational activities in the process of learning a foreign language by students of non-linguistic universities 2020». – Penza: ICNS «Science and Education», 2020.

9. Scientific almanac «The system of module technology in the training technical, professional and post-secondary education», Russian Federation, Tambov. ISSN 2411-7609., 2019

10. Bulletin of Scientific Conferences. Bulletin of scientific conferences. Theoretical and practical issues of Science and education. «The system of module technology in the training technical, professional and post-secondary education». ISSN2412-8988, 2019.

11. «Method of combining casting and punching» Croatia. Metalurgija, Vol. 55,

Br./No 3, Str./P 289-576 (Thomson Reuters IPF 0.905) , 2016.

12. Article «The Center for the Trinity of Languages named after Shakarim Kudaiberdiev at KarSTU» , «in the All-Russian scientific and methodological conference and the University complex as a regional center for education of science and culture», 2016.

13. Article in «the 12th international research conference» Conduct of Modern Science-2016 « Mobile technology in foreign language learning», 2016.

14. Article «Shet tili sabaktarynda oyin technologiyanyn adisterin koldanu mumkindikteri» in the international scientific and practical conference «A new word in science: a strategy for sustainable development of the economy of regions». Shymkent, Miras University. November30 -December 7, ISBN 978-9965., 2015.

15. Article in the European Historical Journal Analysis of the educational system for the study of technical profile language in Kazakh students European Journal of Natural History: Scientific Journal. ISSN 758-9635. Pedagogical sciences, No.3, 2014.

16. Article in the monthly scientific journal Young scientist «Features of translation of multi-system languages». Young Scientist ISBN-0297, 2012.

17. Article in the scientific journal «Scientific world of Kazakhstan», «The concept of «time» in English, Russian and Kazakh languages». Scientific World of Kazakhstan ISSN 187-15-9486, 2012.

18. Science and education in the XXI century. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. «Mobile technology in foreign language learning». Russian Federation, Tambov, 2014.

19. European journal of natural history . «Analysis of the educational system for the study of technical profile language by Kazakh students».ISSN 758-9635. Pedagogical sciences. No.3, 2014.

20. National Association of Teachers of English of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Kaztea». International Scientific and Practical Conference. A new word in science: the strategy of sustainable development of the region. «Shet tili sabaktarynda oyin technologiyanyn adisterin koldanu mumkindikteri» KAZTEA ISBN 978-9965, 2014г.

21. Article in the collection of materials of the IX International Conference «New educational technologies in higher education» Yekaterinburg, 2012.

22. An article at the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the actual problems of modernization of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in the preparation of a competitive specialist”, «Teaching linguistic disciplines in a technical university», 2012.

23. Article at the international scientific conference «Traditions and innovation in teaching a foreign language» Ivanovo, Russia, «Topical issues of theory and practice of translation», 2011.

24. Article at the international scientific and practical conference at SDU «Teaching oral speech in a foreign language in a specialty in a non-linguistic university», 2010.

25. Article at the international scientific and practical conference «Science and the role in the modern world», «Teaching students oral communication on a vocational topic», 2010

26. Article at the international symposium «Information and Communication Technologies in Industry, Education and Science», 2010.

Internal phone number: 11-52