Tutanov Serikpay Kuspanovich

Тутанов С.К.
Transport and Road faculty

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Positions: Professor

In 1969 he graduated from KazSU with a degree in Mathematics. In 1985 he defended his thesis, and in 2002 his doctoral dissertation. The results of many years of creative activity of S. Tutanov are reflected in more than 200 scientific works, incl. 4 monographs, 5 textbooks, 9 copyright certificates and patents. S. Tutanov – an excellent student of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996), honored worker of KSTU (2003), winner of the “Best University Teacher” grant in 2010, has a breastplate named after I. Altynsarin (2009).

Work phone: 56-59-32 (2008)

e-mail: ser-tutanov@mail.ru

Electronic textbook “Математика II”

Технологические схемы разработки крутопадающих малой и средней мощности рудных залежей

Влияние технологических факторов на устойчивость выемочных выработок

Сравнительная оценка результатов напряженного состояния горного массива аналитическим и численным методами

Electronic textbook “Алгебра. Геометрия. Математический анализ