Takibaeva Altynarai Temirbekovna


Faculty: Fit

Academic degree: candidate of chemical Sciences

Position: associate Professor

Education: in 2003 she graduated with honors from Karaganda state technical University with a degree in “Applied ecology (by industry)” with the qualification of environmental engineer. In 2006 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of chemical Sciences on “Synthesis, structure and reactivity of some vinyl ether derivatives of monoethanolamine”.

Experience: 2003 – Junior researcher of the laboratory “Synthesis of biologically active substances” of the Institute of organic synthesis and carbon chemistry; 2006 – assistant of the Department “Industrial ecology and chemistry” of Karaganda state technical University; Since June 2008 – senior lecturer of the Department “Industrial ecology and chemistry” of Karaganda state technical University; Since July 2008– Chairman of the trade Union of students of Karaganda state technical University / associate Professor of the Department “Industrial ecology and chemistry” of Karaganda state technical University; Since October 2010 – senior researcher of JSC International research and production holding “Phytochemistry»; Since September 2014 – senior lecturer of the Department of Industrial ecology and chemistry of Karaganda state technical University; From January 2017 to the present – associate Professor of the Department “Industrial ecology and chemistry” of Karaganda technical University.

Field of research: synthesis of new biologically active substances based on natural compounds of plant origin and their synthetic analogues.

Publications: in total, more than 60 works, including 4 monographs, 5 textbooks, 31 articles, 1 certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright, 3 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for inventions.

Rewards: 2015 – awarded the Jubilee medal “100 years of academician A. S. Saginov” for a great contribution to the development of KSTU; 2016 – the winner of the grant of MES RK “the Best teacher of the University”.

Public work: Consultant for the preparation of ASSESSMENT the discipline “Ecology of mining industry” for students majoring 5В070700 – Mining. Twice joined the Commission for a comprehensive assessment of the readiness of departments and faculties for the new academic year – 2015/2016 academic year, 2016-/2017 academic year.

Work phone: 56-79-32

Email address: altynarai81@mail.ru

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