Ruslan Nurkeev

Senior lecturer Nurkeev Ruslan Zhalelovich, born may 29, 1974, in the village of Amangeldy, s / W them Ilyich, Leninsky district of North Kazakhstan region.

Education: Higher Military Academy of the armed forces of Kazakhstan, Almaty. Specialty-command tactical tank troops, qualification ” Engineer for the operation of armored and wheeled vehicles.”

From 1999 to 2017 – in the ranks of the armed forces of Kazakhstan in officer positions from Lieutenant, platoon commander to Lieutenant Colonel, battalion commander.From October 2018 to the present time senior lecturer of the Department “Professional education and pedagogy”.

In 2003 passed advanced training courses on the program “Command tactical tank troops” on the basis of the Almaty higher military school in a link crew, connection.

In the course of employment, an officer has been encouraged by the command and the regional command “South” for active participation in combined tactical command post exercises OTXO “ili-2006″, “Aldaspan-2012″. For the better, it was noted at the command and staff exercises among the command staff of the regional command “Astana”.


«Казакстан Республикасынын Карулы Куштерiне 10 жыл»;

III дарежелi «Miнciз кызметi ушiн».

II  дарежелi «Miнciз кызметi ушiн».

I  дарежелi «Miнciз кызметi ушiн».

«Казакстан Республикасынын Карулы Куштерiне 20 жыл».

«Армия генералы С.К. Нурмагамбетов»

Information on current training activities (list of readable disciplines) – “Military legislation”, “Fundamentals of international humanitarian law, “Bullet shooting”, “Fortifications”, “Radiation, chemical and bacteriological protection”, “Emergency situations and civil defense”, “Combat training”, “Tourism and orienteering”, “Military engineering training”, “Military topography”, “Management and communication”.

Individual professional achievements: knowledge of English, German with a dictionary, computer at the level of a confident user.

Other additional information (personal qualities, Hobbies, etc.) – responsibility, sociability, hobby – reading books.

Scientific and educational works (with references):