Akhmetzhanov Talgat Buraevich


   Name, date of birth: Akhmetzhanov Talgat Buraevich, 06.04.1966гPhone: 87775740698

Marital status: married

Nationality: kazakh

Position:Senior Lecturer


Education: Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, specialty: ” Industrial civil engineering “, 1983-1988;Moscow State Civil University, , specialty 05.23.05 – «Construction materials and products »1990-1994
Qualification:  Candidate of technical sciences (1994г)Civil engineer (1988г) 
Experience: Scientificandpedagogicalexperience – 5 yearsSince 2013 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Construction materialsand technologies” in KTU.

The list of disciplines: Concrete modifiers, Construction materials, Mechanical equipment of the building industry enterprises, Artificial construction conglomerates, Finishing materials, Using the waste of the industry in production of concrete and ceramic materials, Quality management system in construction.


- Даненова Г.Т., Ахметжанов Т.Б. «Исследование влияния малоклинкерных вяжущих на технологические свойства бетонных смесей»// Вестник государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей,   №2, 2018.

- Akhmetzhanov T., Danenova G., Rusanov A. Optimization of Low – Clinker Binder Production Technological Parameters. «Key Engineering Materials», Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. – Vol.683, 2016, pp. 243-249.

- Nurguzhin M., ., Danenova G., Akhmetzhanov T. Computer Modeling of Residual Stresses and Strains at Arc Welding by Modulated Current». “Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering” издательства Springer International Publishing AG. https://link.springer.com/chapter /10.1007/978-3-319-95630-5_265

- Ахметжанов Т.Б. Технология изготовления вяжущих веществ низкой водопотребности// «Труды Университета», №2, 2015г., КарГТУ, Караганда.

- Байджанов Д.О., Ахметжанов Т.Б., Даненова Г.Т., Малышев О.А. Исследование эффектов контракции и твердения цементов// «Труды Университета», №3, 2016г., КарГТУ, Караганда.

Training manual:

-«Жүйелер мен кешендерді модельдеу», KSTU, 2016 г;

- «Имитационное моделирование в среде GPSS». KSTU, 2017 г.;

- «GPSS бағдарламалық камтамасыз етуде имитациялық модельдеу» KSTU, 2016 г.